14 Creepy Recordings Featuring Conversations With The Devil

The Devil seems like the last being you’d want to end up chatting with during an EVP session. Real recordings of the Devil are impossible to verify, but that doesn’t make them any less spooky. Whether you’re a non-believer, on the fence about the existence of Satan, or are 100% sold, these supposed times the Devil spoke to people are worth consideration.

There’s something inherently unsettling about these creepy recordings of the Devil. It’s not just that they might prove the existence of ultimate evil – it’s the way they sound, and the phrases that are used. Instead of logical sentences, this audio that might possibly be the Devil is made up of phrases like “thrill kill,” “come closer,” and unintelligible moaning. Are these clever hoaxes, or chilling proof of another plane of existence? Either way, these recordings are best listened to with the lights on.

The Devil Speaks Through A Spirit Box

Hear all the other 13 recordings here

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