Your answer in the Rorschach image could mean you’re psych is fucked

Rorschach ink blots have been around since the 1920s, and the test was used in clinical psychology. People’s responses to the test may vary, depending on your culture and country. So what does the test tell you about yourself?

Rorshach’s blots entered the public domain many years ago and everyone can use them now for testing. You’ve seen them used in thousands of movies and music videos. But what can you find out by looking at them? Here’s how to really understand what you see in the ink blots.

The idea for the test came to Hermann Rorschach’s mind while he was studying psychology. He thought it would be useful to use the ink blots for diagnosing subjects with mental disorders like schizophrenia.

The way it works is that you’ll perceive something in the image and the psychologist will interpret what you saw. But it’s also possible to do it by yourself.

Look at the Rorschach image and try and describe what you see. If you give a new perspective on a shape, you may get some extra points for being creative.

In the end, it all depends on the person examining you and on how he or she evaluates your answers. But here’s how to do it all by yourself!

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