15 Super Horrifying EVPs That Will Creep You Out

Most paranormal investigators will tell you that seeing a ghost is unlikely, but hearing a ghost is an entirely different story. EVPs (or electronic voice phenomena) are the sounds found on electronic recordings after either a one-sided question and answer session with a ghost, or after an audio device is left rolling in a haunted place undisturbed. There’s not an actual technical answer as to why ghosts prefer to use white noise and electronic frequencies to communicate, but for whatever reason, they love leaving messages on recording devices when you least expect them to. The scary audio captured on these EVPs might prove that there’s life after death, even if it’s just on the airwaves.

When you’re ghost hunting, one of the most important tools that you need to have with you is a field recorder – not only to document your case history, but because you never know when you’re going to pick up some stray EVPs. Spooky sounds can come from anywhere, but if you’re in an area that’s known to have a lot of paranormal activity, you’ll probably pick up plenty of conversations. That being said, if you end up in a question and answer situation with an entity from the beyond you should be careful – you never know if the thing you’re talking to is actually what they say they are. With that being said, it’s time to check out some of the most terrifying EVPs every recorded.

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